Getting Ready for Your Face Lift

A facelift isn’t just a cosmetic procedure – it can improve your self-confidence and give you a whole new outlook on life. If you are scheduled for a facelift, there are some things you should know and do to ensure your comfort and a quick recovery.

Things to know/do before the procedure

You will be given specific instructions to follow by your doctor, but here are some things to keep in mind:

  • You should stop taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, and you should also stop taking aspirin at least 1 week before surgery.
  • You should stop smoking 4 weeks before surgery, because it can increase the risk of complications during surgery.
  • Prepare your recovery space before the surgery. Make sure you have a spot to relax where you will be comfortable and everything you’ll need is within reach. Also, make sure you’ve got lots of healthy food ready so that you don’t have to put a lot of effort into preparing food once you get home.
  • Don’t forget that you’ll need someone to pick you up from the procedure. You may even want to ask someone to stay overnight with you as well, to help out with anything you need.
  • Don’t make any big plans for at least a week after the procedure. You want to make sure you have enough time to relax and recover.

Things to know/do for after the procedure

  • Don’t worry about bruising and swelling, as this is normal after a face lift and can last for up to 2 weeks.
  • You will need to avoid bending your head forward or lifting heavy things for one week and strenuous activity for two weeks.
  • Your compression garment should be worn day and night (or as much as possible) for 2 weeks following your surgery.
  • It’s important to drink plenty of fluids and eat foods that require little chewing for 24 hours post surgery. Dr. Dawes recommends that you start slow – with sips of clear fluids, progressing through soups and juices to a regular diet.

Dr. Dawes and his staff can give you the details about your upcoming procedure and what you can expect afterwards. Call Jeffrey C. Dawes Plastic and Dermatologic Surgery in Calgary at (403) 571-3141 for a facelift and/ or necklift consultation today!

Learn More

Contact us today to learn more about our plastic surgery products & services.

Book a consultation online or call 403.571.3141

“My role, in part, is to assist patients through the process of determining which surgical or non-surgical options would help them meet their aesthetic goals and realistic expectations” - Jeffrey C. Dawes MD, FRCSC


Schedule A Consultation

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What Happens in a Consultation?

  1. You will meet Dr. Dawes for an individualized, comprehensive evaluation. Dr. Dawes will offer individualized recommendations regarding the best treatment options available to you in a way that will allow you to make a confident, well-informed decision.

  2. You will then meet with a staff member to review your customized quote, discuss financial options and ask questions.

  3. Discuss potential treatment or procedure dates.

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