Which breast implant type is best?

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Age, genetics, pregnancy, weight change and gravity can cause the size and shape of the breasts to change. If you’ve thought about undergoing breast augmentation surgery to increase the fullness or restore the volume of your breasts, then you’ve probably heard about the two different types of implant options: Saline and silicone gel. How do you know which one is right for you? Read on to learn the differences between the two and the benefits each option offers.

Silicone implants

Both silicone and saline implants are available in similar shapes, sizes and textures, but differ in composition. The silicone gel implants are made of a silicone outer shell and pre-filled with silicone gel. They are the more popular option because patients find that the gel feels more like natural breast tissue. One downfall of silicone implants is that if an implant ruptures, you may not realize it. The gel may stay in place in the shell or leak into the breast implant pocket. You will want to see Dr. Dawes for regular visits to make sure the implants are intact. An ultrasound or MRI may be used to determine whether or not an implant has ruptured. They are approved for augmentation in women age 22 or older.

Saline implants

Saline breast implants also have a silicone outer shell, but they are not filled with the sterile salt water solution until they are inserted into the breast implant pocket. This means a smaller incision than with silicone gel implants and gives Dr. Dawes more flexibility in the size of the implant to meet your desired outcome. Another benefit with saline implants is that you would know if one ruptures. In case of a leak, the implant will collapse and the saline solution will be absorbed and expelled naturally by the body. These implants are approved for use in women age 18 or older.

A breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States, helping patients feel more confident about their body image. If you’re interested in learning more about breast augmentation and whether you’re a candidate, call 403.571.3141 to set up a consultation.

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“My role, in part, is to assist patients through the process of determining which surgical or non-surgical options would help them meet their aesthetic goals and realistic expectations” - Jeffrey C. Dawes MD, FRCSC


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  1. You will meet Dr. Dawes for an individualized, comprehensive evaluation. Dr. Dawes will offer individualized recommendations regarding the best treatment options available to you in a way that will allow you to make a confident, well-informed decision.

  2. You will then meet with a staff member to review your customized quote, discuss financial options and ask questions.

  3. Discuss potential treatment or procedure dates.

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